Hai Everyone..
PeggySia here...sorry ya...my DeAr Cindy..
long time din touch our blog..
im bz ma...u oso know de..
so u wil excuse me, right??
I gt a lot thing wan to chat here....
althought my english vr poor i oso try type in english...
cox type chinese so ma fan la..nit use pin yin...==""
He changed a lot..
owes put the phone silent whn together with me..
sometime go my house dun wan bring in the phone.. just left it in the car or beside and so scare me to c or take his phone...
i start distrust him..he never do like dis before..
Bcox gt a gal owes msg him, call him..
tat gal name "AN..E"
i hate dis name!!!!
GET OUT frm my life!!!
he say dun wan i c his phone is avoid our quarrel..
he know i will angry whn know it..
actually im nth if gt gal msg u or date u out lim teh..
cox jus a simple frend..
u gt gal's frend and i oso gt boy's frend..
i never don let u go anywhere..
i give u freedom cox i dun wan u unhappy..
but u r too over since i got my bz job nw..
tat gal often called n msg u..
y she owes find u whn we date together??
what is her purpose actually...??
can u told me?
u owes told me she just asked u bout "DOTA" thing or just hv a simply chat..
BUT y she send good night msg to u..? go watch movie oso wan tell u?her classmate come bk cnt chat anymore... and bla bla bla...
Y NIT inform u tat....?
MCB la her..
i know i so stupide ...out of dated edi..nt interest with ur favourite DOTA game, cnt chat dis topic to u ma..
bt she can ma..
i owes try to accepted ur u explaination cos i trust n love u..
after we settle the problem n i try to believe u i saw her msg u on 2nd day again..
OMGGGG...Hw can i excuse u????
i owes tell myself u r go abroad soon..
i love u so much so i will wait u back..
i oso lazy to quarrel to make our affection bcome complicated..
if she find u once time in 2 weeks or a month i hv nth to say n wont guess..
But...after dis matter..i feel so so so sad n disappointed edi..No wonder hw is ur explanation i still gt a shadow in my mind..
if u feel angry wit me to write bout her in dis blog tat means u r protective her..care her..